In the Life of Jamie...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Halloween Party

I know this blog entry is a little late coming...but here it is. Alli and I had a little Halloween party (really just some people over to watch Beetlejuice, hang out, and drink our fun drinks...but still fun:-). We took our inspiration for the drinks from Marth Stewart but just changed what was in the glass:-)Nice face, Marit! Karen is displaying one of our handcrafted ghost mudslides! MMMMMMMM! And cute!
I was obviously still in my Pippi Longstockings costume....and Marit? Well, she brought her own wine...enough said...Love you G!!!

Alli sporting some of our glow necklaces.

The ever so popular self-portrait of Marit and I. I feel like we have more of these than pictures that other people have taken. Oh well...we had fun:-) Not sure how much Beetlejuice we all actually watched, but we DID enjoy our drinks:-)

Monday, November 20, 2006

A visit with the Condap girls:-)

A perfect Satruday morning visit with my girls! It's crazy how much I miss these three when I'm away...but so much fun when we get to spend time together. Kira presented me with an amazing welcome home present...a homemade cookbook! (I'm thinking that she had a little help from Mom Condap). Thanks girls! I love it and I can't wait to try the recipes out:-)

Kira and I took a little "self-portrait"...not bad!

Oh Jenna....Look at those crazy blue eyes!

Jenna's new chair is surprisingly comfortable...wouldn't mind getting one for myself!

Kira did a little photography for us. Thanks again, for everything, Erin! You guys mean more to me than you know. I'll see you guys soon! Love you!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Yep! I was Pippi Longstoking! I hope that you gathered that from the picture:-) I dressed up for school on Tuesday...everyone loved it! Alli and I bent a wire hanger over my head and then braided my two braids around the wire.... a little painful, yes. We only drew blood once though. My students were hysterical! I explained to them who I was in the morning (I was impressed that a couple of them got it...Pippi is a pretty old character, anyway...). In the afternoon my principal was doing a walk through and stopped in my classroom with a few people from the district...of course it's when I'm dressed up as a crazy person. They enjoyed the costume but I almost died when my principal asked one of my students who I was dressed up as and he said "ummmm.... A PEACOCK!" Oh man...he was clearly listening that day!

Pumpkin Carving with the Roommate:-)

Last weekend was the perfect pumpkin carving day...crisp weather and the leaves were bright (of course nothing compared to good old NH, but at least there are leaves here!). We were quite picky with our pumpkin choices (just as I am with my Christmas tree choice ....Dad knows this well:-) We found a few that would have to do...seeing as how it was 5 days before Halloween.

We may have been a little adult supervision resulted in three small injuries I believe. No trips to the hospital:-)

OK, so the face is just an act...this is my favorite part of pumpkin carving! Alli brought out spoons but I had nothing to do with those useless tools! do see a hammer in Alli's hand. This year we took our inspiration from Marth Stewart and got a little creative by stepping away from the traditional face carving.

The final products! They looked very cool lit up but our cameras wouldn't take a good shot of them without the flash. We used cookie cutters and a hammer of was actually really fun! I was excited to not have to worry about having the nose and mouth cave in because I cut them too closely.