In the Life of Jamie...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Groundhog Day 2008

Another Groundhog Day in Woodstock, Illinois! Last year it was spent with Luke and Alli and this year I brought Joey and his family for the day. Sara, Joey's sister, was the only one of them to have seen the movie!! What?! Well, at least all of them have seen it now:-) We had lunch, walked around town and took the classic picture with Phil!
Yeah, a little cheesy but it was a good scene from the movie!


In December, I started bowling quite a bit! I bought a ball and shoes...cute ones, mind you! We usually bowl about once a week so I'm improving all the time:-) Look at this beautiful shot!

Don't compare my form with this guy's...he's been bowling for a lot longer! cute shoes:-)

My high game is 164...I usually average around 115...pretty good if I may say so. I'll keep you updated on my pro career:-)

Happy Birthday Joey!

Joey's birthday was on January 21st. We celebrated with his family on Saturday, went to Blue Man Group on Sunday (even though Joey had a temperature of 101....very sad). We were still able to enjoy it and luckily we both had Monday (his actual birthday) off so he was able to sleep...the whole day!!
Take note of the nice cutting job he's doing here....

Apparently he thought he should have his name on his piece:-)

Looks like he enjoyed his presents:-)