In the Life of Jamie...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Ollie and the xbox

Ollie has become a pro at one of Joey's new video games. If you keep scrolling you can see her actually flying a helicopter:-) This comes in handy when Joey needs to get up and the game needs to continue:-) What a smart puppy!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Many of you know my obsession with the world's greatest creation...the americanized mexican food restaurant chain, Chipotle. Usually Joey and I make Saturdays Chipotle day but since we are going to a be at a wedding tomorrow I thought I would surprise him and bring it home for dinner on my way home from school......

Joey had the same thought. :-) Great minds think alike! Relax, we didn't eat all of it in one sitting....we each have another meal in the fridge just waiting for us:-)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Apple Picking

We finally made a trip to an apple orchard! I used to go every year when I lived in NH and have been missing it the past few years. Luckily, we were able to make it to Wisconsin for the day last weekend for a great apple picking day! Enjoy!

I couldn't go apple picking without climbing the trees(hmm...looks like I'm on the ground here but I promise...I'm on the branches!)! Although I enjoyed myself I missed having Dad up in the trees with me:-)

Somehow I ended up in the wagon again...for quite some time:-) This was my view on the way back down to the bottom of the orchard. Even though my driver didn't keep it smooth the whole time I guess I should be grateful that I stayed on board:-)
Joey found some good ones! He claims he found the perfect apple...he called it "the teacher apple". :-)
